Maldives Blue Force 3 dhoni boat

The dhoni. The perfect dive boat

The dhoni
The perfect diving boat

There are many reasons why we can say that the Maldives is probably the best place in the world to dive.
The climatic conditions, the underwater orography, and its wonderful landscapes are just some of the elements of an endless list that make them a perfect place as a destination for our diving vacations.
One of the unique elements of these wonderful islands that make diving there an unforgettable experience are the dhonis.

What is a dhoni?

The dhoni is the traditional and most widespread boat in the Maldives. Originally it was a sailing boat. Always handmade and made of coconut wood, its origin is attributed to the Arab influence in that area and it maintains a great resemblance to the dhow boats.
It is a very versatile boat that, depending on its size, can be used to transport people, and equipment, for fishing, and even as a diving boat.

A large number of utilities

The Maldives has an extensive fishing fleet of dhonis, each of which can carry between eight and twelve people. These are currently variants of the traditional dhoni because nowadays these boats are usually equipped with engines. They are mainly built in Alifushi, Raa Atoll. Dhoni boat building is a traditional Maldivian craft and young apprentices are instructed by expert craftsmen, who spend about 60 days to complete the making of each handcrafted boat. Modern dhonis are built by combining fiberglass and wood.

How is a dhoni built?

Although the tools used in the construction of dhonis have changed, little has changed in their basic design. As in the past, the boats are still built without a documented plan. The design and symmetry of the boat emerge as it is built.
Imported hardwoods are used instead of coconut wood, which was used in the past to make the hull. Copper rivets are used to hold the planks together instead of coconut, which was used for this purpose even half a century ago. The square sail made of coconut leaves gave way to a triangular latin sail. Although it is still considered essential and carried on board, it is only used in case of emergency or to relieve strain on the engines. Almost all dhonis are diesel-powered.

A traditional dhoni can be up to 3 m in size and is mostly used to travel short distances or traverse the shallow waters of the lagoon. Islanders often use these ferries to cross to nearby islands in search of firewood. The average fishing dhoni used to be about 10 meters (33 feet) long, but new-generation fishing boats can be twice as large or even larger. The basic design of dhonis has proven its seaworthiness as it has been tested and tweaked for centuries. Even the luxury cruisers being built in the country use the same basic hull design and can reach 30 meters (100 feet) or more.

A piece of Maldivian history

The name “dhoni” has two distinct origins. The word “doni” comes from the South Indian languages of Telugu, Tamil, Konkani, and Kannada, while another etymological vein points to the Persian word for “yacht”.
Even the Malay word “tuoni” bears some similarity to “dhoni”, but means “small boat”. Some Southern Dravidian languages are also thought to use the word “tull” to mean “dig”.
Much like a dhow, the traditional boat of the Arabs, the dhoni has been an integral part of the Maldives. It is known to be the oldest sailing vessel the island nation has ever seen. It is said that the first dhonis were dug out of a log of wood, earning them that apt name.

Many centuries ago, dhonis were used exclusively by Maldivian fishermen. Interestingly, some of these boats were built with coconut wood, the local raw material. Much later, in the 19th century AD, as a consequence of the Industrial Revolution, the fishing community of the Maldivian archipelago switched to mechanized versions of the dhonis.
The real, visible change came much later in the Maldives, in the 1980s when the country earmarked a $3.2 million loan to mechanize the simpler dhonis. This coveted loan came from the International Development Association (IDA).
This modernization, however, increased the operating costs of each dhoni, as they now had to account for fuel costs as well. Nevertheless, the gamble paid off for the local fishermen, who almost doubled their catch capacity in just three years.

The perfect auxiliary dive boat.

Planning a “liveaboard” dive trip in the Maldives has countless advantages.

The main boat is a hotel, with a great variety of services and amenities on board, with various activities to enjoy during the week in between dives, and also allows you to be in direct contact with all the wonders of this destination.
But the main advantage of the “live aboard” boats is that they are floating hotels, which move from one atoll to another and allow us to visit the best dive sites in each of them. It is a floating hotel accompanied by a floating dive center, our beloved dhoni.
Unlike other “liveaboard” diving destinations, the Maldives offers us the great advantage of being able to carry everything related to our beloved activity on an auxiliary boat, the dhoni.
As if it were a diving center, all the diving equipment, wet suits, light equipment, tanks, and everything else stays on the dhoni after the dive.
A mobile dive center that brings us closer to the best dive sites while we equip ourselves with the help of the crew and guides. A great place to rest, chat with the other divers or just sunbathe on the upper deck.

How is a diving dhoni equipped?

At Blue Force Fleet we are very demanding with the comfort on board and the quality of our service. For us the experience of our guests is paramount and for that, it is necessary to invest in resources.
That is why we are proud to own the 2 best dive dhonis operating in the Maldives, the Maldives Blue Force Dive 1 and 2, the first launched in late 2020 and the second in early 2023.

Designed by divers for divers, designed down to the smallest detail to be comfortable and safe.

We have lowered the level of the deck so that the jump into the water is from a lower height, and doubled the width of the jump platform to make it the most spacious.
All mechanical elements for loading bottles such as compressors and membranes are located below the deck so that users have no physical contact with any mechanical device.
With a 23 m length x 7 m beam, they are the widest dive dhonis in the country.
Equipped each one of them with 3 compressors and 2 NITROX membrane systems, we guarantee total availability in case of any failure and minimum loading times.
If to this we add toilets with hot water showers, special tables, and sweetening tanks for the cameras or extra wide diving benches, we turn the dhoni into the best place to be during the trips to the dive site.
Each dhoni has its own captain and crew to assist the divers and perform all the necessary tasks on board and has its own cabins at the bow of the boat.

Cleaning stations. Mantas favorite place

Cleaning stations.
Mantas favorite place

The Maldives is probably the best place in the world to dive with manta rays.
The environmental conditions, the underwater orography, and the measures are taken for years to protect and preserve them have turned this archipelago into a perfect destination to dive with mantas.

Where can we see them?

It is really hard to spend a liveaboard week in the Maldives and not see manta rays. It is true that there are certain time frames when they can be found in large groups and in specific places, as we already explained in our article about the Hanifaru Bay, but… they are very specific and localized periods of time and places for which we already have our Manta Expeditions

Another option is inside the atolls, our local guides know small lagoons where mantas usually gather to eat or matting, offering a great opportunity to dive and even snorkel with them.

Also inside the atolls, especially in the areas of the reef where there is less depth, we can find small rocks or coral promontories where a small ecosystem has been created in the middle of the sandy bottom. These “small cities” are inhabited by numerous species, especially marine fauna that seeks to hide in the nooks and crannies of the rocks. Some of these places have been converted into cleaning stations for mantas.

What is a cleaning station?

As we explained before, inside the atolls, we can find rocks and coral prominences inhabited by a wide variety of marine fauna. Some of these animals that live there are wrasses.

Small and elongated, these fish are fast swimmers, and with their small mouths, they feed on parasites that live on the skin of other fish. When they form large communities and settle in a place like these mounds we were talking about, we can begin to talk about a cleaning station, since this animal behavior is known as “cleaning symbiosis.”

How does a manta cleaning station work?

Basically, any place these “cleaner fish” inhabit becomes a cleaning station. They are very territorial and the rest of the fish that demand their services only have to go to that place to be dewormed. Depending on the size of the animal requesting said cleaning, more or less cleaning fish will be necessary.

Imagine the time it takes for a couple of cleaner fish to deworm a reef manta that can have a wingspan of 3 meters… Correct, for manta rays the perfect place is any of these mounds inhabited by a large community of cleaner fish at those who come swimming majestically and remain stationary or slowly “fly over” the station while an army of small cleaner fish devours the parasites that inhabit their skin, their gills and even their mouths.

How do you discover a cleaning station?

In all the atolls, in their interior, in the shallower areas of the sandy bottom, we find scattered blocks of coral and rocks. In most of them, we find large concentrations of fauna, but… not all of them are inhabited by cleaner fish and they do not have to be a good place for a manta cleaning station to form.

Mantas have behaviors that, to a greater or lesser extent, respond to patterns. These patterns are usually fostered above all by water currents and the movement of their favorite food, plankton.

Depending on the season and the type of monsoon, the currents will favor the movement of plankton and consequently, that of mantas. There are many cleaning stations throughout the archipelago, large, small, more or less deep, near the channels, inside the lagoons… but there must be plankton nearby for the mantas to come to clean themselves.

It is the experience and popular knowledge of our team of local diving guides that allow us to decide, week after week, which cleaning stations we should go to in search of our dear friends. Week after week, our local diving guides draw up a plan and check in advance if it is feasible or not to be able to dive with them

Of course, we cannot forget that these are wild animals in their natural habitat and there is a chance that they will not be found.

The perfect meeting place.

Manta rays are very curious, intelligent, and social animals, in fact, they have the largest brains of any other species of fish. Herd behavior cannot be attributed to them, but it is true that it is very common to find them in groups of several specimens or even dozens.

The cleaning stations are perfect to meet them, their way of swimming allows them to remain static or swim in circles on the mound. When there are several mantas it is inevitable to think when observing them that they establish a kind of shifts or rounds and they go past to be dewormed by clouds of cleaner fish.

If we are lucky and we coincide with the mating period, it is very likely to attend one of the most exciting events that we can witness with mantas, the mating trains.

The males start chasing a female to try to mate with her. The female, fleeing from her, causes the males to form a line behind her, creating what we know as “mating trains”. Attending this phenomenon and observing such behavior is something very special and unique.

How do you dive into a cleaning station?

At Blue Force Fleet we are very rigorous when it comes to planning dives. Each dive is associated with a briefing in which we explain the dive site and its planning.

When we dive with certain species we carry out an additional briefing with which we try to spread our knowledge and experiences and take the opportunity to educate our divers about some important aspects such as conservation and marine fauna.

Given the possibility of encountering manta rays, our cruise director will give an informative talk about manta rays and how to interact with them.

Diving in a cleaning station is a static dive. The guides of each diving group will place their divers around the cleaning station, maintaining a safe distance from it. We will use the reef hooks to remain in neutral buoyancy thus avoiding contact with the environment and unnecessary kicking.

The most important thing when diving in a cleaning station is to avoid getting too close to or even hovering over the cleaning station itself. Our presence can alter the functioning of this delicate ecosystem, even scaring away cleaner fish with its dramatic consequences.

Of course, we must avoid any type of contact with the mantas. They will swim around us and pass over us, even touching us, but we must avoid contact with their skin as we could contaminate them and even infect them with some type of disease typical of humans.

They are calm and relaxed dives in which you only have to worry about enjoying the show. Something very exclusive and that can be done in very few places in the world.

Swim with Mantas logo

We are happy to be a “Manta Trust Responsible Tourism Operator” working with the Manta Trust Organization with their program “Swim with Mantas

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Best Diving Suits. What type do we use in Blue Force Fleet?

How to choose the best diving suit

The Red Sea and the Maldives are the Blue Force Fleet cruises destinations and are among the most popular for divers planning a dive trip. One of the most common questions when starting to pack is what diving suit should I take? Despite being both tropical destinations, we should not assume that the water will be too warm because depending on the area we choose and the time of year we can get a surprise. So let’s see how to choose, without fear of being wrong, the suit that we should pack in our suitcase

What diving suit should I take?

Many divers think that a shorty or a lycra is enough to dive in a tropical destination but the reality is that we should consider this premise in more detail if we do not want to spoil the holidays even before starting. Let’s review the diving suits features to define which one we should take to the Blue Force destinations.

What is a diving suit made of?

Neoprene is the most used material in the manufacture of wetsuits. This material is a closed-cell foam that traps millions of tiny gas bubbles within its structure. This foam is usually protected with a layer of elastic tissue (normally nylon or lycra) on each side, as a sandwich. This gives structural resistance to neoprene and allow the manufacture to sew the join areas. Unlike open cell foam (a sponge), neoprene does not let water pass through it. So if the suit fits us well in the entry areas (cuffs, ankles, neck …), even if the water enters at the first time, it will not circulate. This creates a small sheet that the body itself will heat up and that the neoprene, as an insulator, will prevent it from cooling down. The neoprene gas bubbles, while isolating us from the environment, tend to give the suit a lot of buoyancy. That’s an additional reason why we must weight ourselves to dive. Neoprene can be classified into several categories according to its thickness, its elasticity, its thermal protection capacity, its buoyancy, etc.
Nowadays, most of diving wetsuits use similar neoprene that combine some of the most suitable characteristics for that activity. The choice depends much more on how well the suit fits and how comfortable it is than on the type of neoprene.

How to choose a diving suit?

Here are some facts to consider when choosing a suit:

1- Correct fit:

The diving suit should not be too baggy or too tight. If it doesn’t fit us well, the water will circulate between the exterior and the interior while we dive, so it loses efficiency in its thermal protection. On the other hand, if the diving suit is too tight, it can generate problems such as obstruction of blood circulation, difficulty on breathing or friction on the skin. The right wetsuit should fit you perfectly, like a second skin, but not tight. We must also bear in mind that wetsuits tend to feel tighter when dry than underwater. With time and use, suits loose thickness mostly in areas where they are subjected to the greatest pressure, such as the joints.

2- Thickness:

The thicker the diving suit, the more it will protect us from the cold. Neoprene creates an insulating layer between water and our skin, in turn our body heats the thin sheet of water between our skin and the neoprene. Some suits use differentiated thicknesses according to the body areas: being thinner in the arms and legs, to make movements easier, and thicker in the chest and back area, to increase thermal protection. As a general rule, the thinner the suit, the more flexibility of movement it will have, but the less isolating it will be. The buoyancy of a diving suit is also directly linked to its thickness: greater thickness, more buoyancy, and more ballast we will need. As a general rule, 3mm diving suits are usually used in the tropics, with waters between 26ºC and 30ºC. The 5mm wetsuits are ideal for waters between 22ºC and 27ºC. Those of 7 mm are usually used for waters between 18ºC and 22ºC. Although this may vary according to our perception of the cold.

3- Type of suit:

Shorty, full one-piece, double-piece, semi-dry and dry are the most common types. Nowadays, most diving suits are usually one-piece and use zippers to dress it easily. The zipper is usually a point of water circulation. In warm waters, the zipper is not usually a serious problem, but if we dive in cold waters, a suit with a dry zipper is recommended. The double-piece diving suits are the most used among free divers, they do not have a zipper, so they are more flexible, comfortable and have less water circulation, so they offer better thermal protection at the same thickness but it is not so easy to put them on.

4- Details to consider:

When choosing a diving suit we must pay attention to details such as the pattern: it should seal well in critical areas such as cuffs, ankles and neck: should include reinforced patches in critical areas such as knees, elbows, shoulders, etc.. . The pattern is one of the most important factors as it directly influences comfort. Not many years ago, the diving suits were shapeless and fitted everyone: women, men, old or young. Today there is a lot of variety depending on the type of body and even, if necessary, we can find some companies which produce made to measure suits. Some manufacturers even offer a wide variety of sizes, in height and width, that should fit everyone’s morphology.

What diving suit should I take to the Red Sea?

The Red Sea is a narrow and elongated portion of sea that separates Asia from Africa. In its southern slope, joins the Indian Ocean by the small Strait of Bab el Mandeb while, in the north, it joins the Mediterranean by the Suez Chanel, a 163 km long passage created in the mid-19th century to shorten of ships from Asia to Europe. With 2,250 km length, it is only 430 km wide and reaches 3,040 m at its deepest point. It is a unique ecosystem that has its own peculiarities. In some areas the sea water can oscillate 7-8º between the coldest month (February) and the warmest (August). We must also take into account the area where we are going to dive, it is not the same to dive in Ras Muhammad (north) than to do it on the Sudanese coast (south), the waters are usually between 2 and 4ºC higher throughout the year. If we decide to dive in the colder months, we can find waters around 18-19ºC in the extreme north, around 20-22ºC in the central area, for example in Hurghada, and around 23-25ºC in Sudan. While in August the temperature ranges from 28ºC in the north to 30-32ºC in the south. These temperatures are usually measured near the surface, so it is usual to find somewhat cooler waters, between 1 and 3ºC, beyond 15-20m depth, especially in summer. So the Red Sea, despite being a tropical destination, it has a moderately hot temperature and in the winter months we may need a little more thermal protection. In our Red Sea Blue Force 2, we have a complete variety of new diving equipment for rent. Our rental suits are one-piece 5 mm from AQUALUNG and we have several sizes available for both women and men.

What diving suit should I take to the Maldives?

Located in the middle of the Indian Ocean, the country of the thousand islands, it is very close to the Equator and the temperatures are more homogeneous than in the Red Sea throughout the year. The water in the Maldives is warm, with an average of 29ºC, it can rise to 30ºC in late April and early May, at the beginning of the monsoon. In channel dives, especially during the incoming tide, we come through slightly cooler water than when diving in “thilas”, coral mountains within the atolls. But the temperature difference is not huge, being rare that it exceeds 2ºC between one place and another. We can also find variations at a certain depth, which are known as “thermoclines”, but they are also very slight variations. In general, we can consider diving in the Maldives as a tropical dive and a 3 mm suit should be enough, or even something thinner. On our boats,  the Maldives Blue Force One, and the Maldives Blue Force 3, we have a complete variety of new diving equipment for rent. Our rental suits are one-piece 3 mm from AQUALUNG and we have several sizes available for both women and men.

Temperature, something personal

Temperature is a precise and easily measurable fact, but our perception of it is totally subjective. So it depends on how each one copes with cold and heat. The perception of heat is related with our physiognomy, our biorhythms, our tolerance to heat and cold, and even our mood … In addition, in a trip of a week or ten days, this perception can change: doing an average of 3 to 4 dives per day it is possible that our heat loss accelerates with the trip progression. For this reason, it is better to be conservative than too much optimistic by wearing a very thin diving suit.


The balance between physical comfort and thermal comfort will give us the perfect recipe to choose the right diving suit. Diving every day, on a lifeaboard trip is such an unforgettable experience that, on many occasions, you do not think and such a basic question as water temperature. The best option to take your decision to travel to the Red Sea and the Maldives is to trust on Blue Force Fleet to design the perfect route and choose the best time to fullfill your expectations. Once the decision is made, ask us for advice on the right gear, or even allow us to recommend you to rent the best one kit on our boats.

Diving in Maldives - tiger shark

Diving in the South of the Maldives

Diving in the South of the Maldives

The Maldives is, par excellence, one of the Top 5 diving destinations in the world. Every diver knows that he has to travel there at least once in his life. The wonderful landscapes, the good weather throughout the year, and the incredible variety of its marine life make the Maldives the perfect destination for a live-aboard cruise.
When traveling for the first time to dive in the Maldives, the ideal is to choose a route that has the best balance between the variety of dives and the type of wildlife that can be seen.
The recommendation for this first time is always to do the Central Atolls route or also known as the Classic Route.

But what if you liked your first time in the Maldives so much and want to come back?

Southern Maldives, crossing into the Southern Hemisphere:

Diving in Maldives - tiger shark

Every diver has always dreamed of discovering new places, wild and remote places where it is not usual to dive and where to experience new experiences. In the case of the Maldives, its southern atolls and its islands beyond the Equator are the perfect places for this type of diving.
Our boats, the Maldives Blue Force One and Maldives Blue Force 3, sail every season from the months of January to March to these wild and exclusive areas of the Maldives.

Two months of unique and wild diving:

Everyone will wonder why such a short season and the explanation is very simple, the best diving conditions needed to enjoy diving in this remote place are only given for two months a year. During the months of January to March, the monsoon pushes ocean water from the eastern faces of the atolls inland. The best channels in the south are located to the east of the atolls and this phenomenon allows the cleaner and more crystalline water of the Indian Ocean to enter the atoll with a strong current, congregating the sharks on the oceanic cliff of the channels.
This is why most of the dives in the Southern Hemisphere are carried out on the cliffs of the channels, where we find strong currents and a large number of sharks and other pelagic species.


How are the dives there?

In the Maldives, there is a very popular type of dive because of its excitement and the high probability of seeing a lot of wildlife, especially sharks. These dives are given the local name of “kandu” which means “channel”.
These channel dives are characterized by being current dives, especially currents entering the atoll, with ocean water, more transparent and less hot than the outlet.
Before jumping out of the dhoni, one of the guides checks the current and, if it is incoming, jumps into the ocean to be able to dive downstream and stay hooked with the reef hooks at the entrance of the channel. The spectacle of life that will pass before us will be something unforgettable. After a while, we will let ourselves be drifted away by the current inside the atoll where the dhoni will be waiting for us to be picked up.

What does the Southern Hemisphere route consist of?

The Southern Hemisphere route runs mainly between Gaafu Atoll and Fuvahmulah Island, crossing the equator each week to the Southern Hemisphere.
The best channel dives in Gaafu Atoll and exciting shark dives in the famous Fuvahmulah Island are combined.
The Vilingili and Koodhoo channels, with their impressive walls of grey sharks, the awesome spinner sharks. Reefs like Gemanafushi with their schools of carangids and the possibility of seeing hammerhead sharks, the walls of Fuvahmulah with their tiger sharks, silver tips, the thresher sharks, and the amazing coral gardens that are in all its reefs will make us move to any of those documentaries that we see on TV.
We cannot forget to mention another of the unquestionable attractions of the south of the Maldives, the possibility of swimming with the whale sharks that sometimes visit the stern of our boat at night.

The best diving points of the South Maldives routes:

7 Atolls route (Up and down to the South of Maldives):

In this atoll, everything is possible, encounters with whale sharks, manta cleaning stations… but we are going to try one of the most exclusive dives in the Maldives, the night dive with mantas.

VAAVU: Without a doubt, the star dives of this atoll are Miyaru Kandu, a spectacular channel next to the island of Alimathaa where we can observe numerous grey sharks, and Alimathaa Pier, the famous nurse shark dive, where we can interact with dozens of these calm animals. in a unique experience in the world.

MEEMU: In this incredible atoll, we will enjoy channels full of life like Vanhuravelhi, spectacular dives like Muli Corner, where the ocean can surprise us with all kinds of surprises, and the Kureli Manta point cleaning station.

THAA: We will enjoy the colorful Dhifushi Kandu and look for the visit of whale sharks at night.

LAAMU: Fushi Kandu and Isdhoo Muli, where we can find schools of spotted eagles, schools of carangids and we will look for the elusive big-headed parrots. Hitadhoo corner, with its blanket cleaning station.

South Hemisphere route:

The “channel atoll” par excellence is Gaafu. High-voltage dives await us here in the Maldives’ most famous channels for gray reef shark sightings. We can also find surprises such as silvertip sharks, as well as the whale shark when there is a large presence of plankton. Highlight the almost virgin coral areas, diving with green turtles and large stingrays, and visits to deserted beaches and fishing villages where you can discover the authentic Maldives islands, far from tourism, with fishing and even agriculture as a way of life.

FUVAHMULAH: If the weather allows it since there is no protection reef, we will approach this peculiar island, about 5 km long. We will dive the reef near the big blue, where we can find schools of jacks, mantas, sharks, wrasse, and always the possibility of “special” encounters such as the elusive thresher shark, tiger shark, silvertip shark, sailfish, oceanic mola-mola…

We will also try to dive on the southern wall of the island, where we will find one of the best-preserved coral reefs in the Maldives.

How do we get there?

Traveling to the southern hemisphere of the Maldives is just as easy as traveling to the central atolls, but it will take a bit longer. In the first week of the season, Maldives Blue Force One and Maldives Blue Force 3 will depart Male for Koodhoo, the capital of Gaafu Atoll. This week includes a route in itself that we will call the “7 atolls route” and that is carried out twice a year, the first week of the southern season, in the direction of descent towards the south (Male – Koodhoo), and the last week of the season, returning to Male and heading north (Koodhoo – Male). This route allows us to discover the best diving spots in the 7 most important atolls in the Maldives: North Male, South Male, Vaavu, Meemu, Thaa, Laamu, and Gaafu.
Once we have arrived in Koodhoo, we will spend 6 weeks doing the route called “Southern Hemisphere” visiting the best diving spots in the Gaafu atoll and crossing the equator to dive on the famous island of Fuvahmulah.
To get to the ship it will be necessary to make a domestic flight from Male to reach Koodhoo where Maldives Blue Force One will be waiting and another flight from Koodhoo to Male to return a week later.
After these 6 weeks of the season in the south of the Maldives, the Maldives Blue Force One and Maldives Blue Force 3 will begin their return to Male, completing the 7 Atoll Route from Koodhoo to Male all week.

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