Dema Offer!!

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Our last newsletter!!

Our last Newsletter

Copyright © Blue Force Fleet. All rights reserved

This email and if applicable, any attachments to it, contains confidential information only addressed to the addressee and the addressees. Any disclosure, copying, or distribution to third parties without prior written authorization from Blue Force Diving is absolutely prohibited. Please note that under the rules of protection of personal data, your email has been obtained by sources accessible to the public. This data is incorporated into an automated file under the responsibility of Blue Force Diving to send you information on the activities, products, and services of the same. Anybody may exercise their rights of access, rectification, or cancellation, and opposition aimed at sending an email with the subject “UNSUBSCRIBE” to [email protected]

mares horizon rebreather-diver-red-sea

Mares HORIZON, bring your dream to life!!

Bring your dream to life

Mares HORIZON SCR rebreather Now onboard the best liveaboard of Maldives.

Can you imagine being on a dive with mantas and dozens of sharks and being able to extend your bottom time up to two hours, without going into deco, without having the noise of bubbles around, and enjoying warm moist breathing gas?  Well, that dream just became a reality with the HORIZON SCR SEMI CLOSED CIRCUIT REBREATHER aboard the Maldives Blue Force One.

Mares Horizon quiet diving in the Maldives

Technology has once more, provided us with an easy and safe way to transcend the limits we thought unreachable. Almost as easy as diving with Nitrox.

Mares Horizon recreational liveaboard diving in the Maldives

Mares Horizon rebreather advantages

With the new Mares Horizon SCR rebreather, it is now possible to recycle (scrub) the air we are breathing underwater and extend our bottom time, making it possible and easy to make 90 to 120 minutes no-deco dives. As well as the fact that by producing fewer bubbles the silence enhances the encounters you have with wildlife.

Mares Horizon SCR in a liveaboard?

Mares Horizon recreational diving in the Maldives

The most important part of our fleet is YOU. Our guests and their experience onboard. We look for improving this experience, from a long time ago, and offer you the best liveaboard trip onboard our Maldives Blue Force One.

Now is the time to invest and build a better experience for the diving community.

bring your dream to life

With the MARES HORIZON SCR semi-closed rebreather, recreational diving has just reached another level, without a doubt a new concept in diving. BLUE FORCE FLEET, along with MARES and SSI we have taken it upon ourselves to make it easy, comfortable and as fun as possible for you to start enjoying this new era in the perfect entourage and place, aboard Maldives Blue Force One.

Mares Horizon wreck diving in the Maldives

May I enjoy a Mares Horizon in a liveaboard? YES!

If you are a HORIZON instructor, you will have all the facilities for you to teach your courses on board and for your HORIZON divers to enjoy with their own equipment or the ones we have for rent.

Mares Horizon prices onboard


The SSI SCR diving course teaches you how to dive safely with the Mares Horizon rebreather up to 30 meters deep, without decompression stops and is the perfect introduction to SCR diving. This course provides a complete introduction to SCR technology, assembly details, pre-dive checks, dive planning, and treatment of potential failures.
$ 1000 The complete course
  • Theoretical classes and 6 hours of diving
  • Rental SCR Mares Horizon
  • The necessary Sofnolime
  • Must be a certified Nitrox and deep diving specialty diver.


Diving with the Mares Horizon rebreather up to 30 meters deep, without decompression stops and a diving guide.
$ 350 Per Week
  • Price per Kilogram of Sofnolime: 20 USD
  • weekly consumption estimate 6 Kg
  • Must be certified REBREATHER SCR SSI


Theoretical introduction to HORIZON SCR (maximum 30 meters without decompression)
$ 150 2 dives with SCR unit
  • Must be a certified Nitrox and deep diving specialty diver.


You have Sofnolime onboard
$ 20 Per kilogram of Sofnolime
  • Must be a certified REBREATHER SCR SSI
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